Let our dedicated dental professionals help you achieve a smile that you can be proud of!

Call (603) 524-1085

        Finn & Finn Beautiful Smiles

        Dr. R. Thomas Finn Jr & Dr. Kiirsten H. Finn



When you visit our office, as a child, teen or adult, your smile is our top priority.  Our entire team is dedicated to providing you with the personalized, professional, clinically excellent, informed, and  gentle care that you deserve. Children are a wonderful  and vital part of our practice with Drs, dental hygienists, dental assistants especially fabulous with these little people, and of course those little people grow into teens and adults who are the other members of our amazing and loyal patient base. We treat and care for your entire family. 

Part of our commitment to serving our patients includes providing information that helps them to make more informed decisions about their oral health needs.  This website is a resource we hope you’ll find both useful and interesting.

Voted Best Dentist and Dental Practice in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire for 21 consecutive years, since 2003 by GKM National Independent Marketing Surveyors and voted  And Voted Best Dentist and Cosmetic Dentist in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire  by the  Laconia Daily Sun for 6 consecutive years. Come meet Dr. Tom Finn & Dr. Kiirsten Finn and our fabulous dental team and allow us to show you why our patients have so much confidence in and enthusiasm for our Finn & Finn Beautiful Smiles Team. We treat and care for children (age 2 and up), teens and adults. 

                                             Contact us today! (603) 524-1085   CALL OR TEXT

We genuinely hope this site is helpful to you in learning more about our practice, dental conditions and treatments, dental recommendations, expertise, training and more.

Please browse through our website. Our Customer Service team is always available to answer  questions or to schedule an appointment in response to your dental and oral health care needs.


       We ARE hiring. Click here to  JOIN  our outstanding dental team!



As dental professionals it is our priority to provide quality dental care you can trust.


(Copy sent to NH Dental Society and Dr. Finn) I am the director of Brewster Academy Summer Programs Medical Services. One of our students ( from California) was particiapting in a recreation program in our rock-climbing barn. I won't go into the logistics, however, suffice it to say that she sustained an injury to her upper lip and front teeth. She came directly to the health center and it was obvious that she needed to see a dentist immediately. I contacted several local dental offices (and was not successful in arranging an emergency visit) this was at 4:30pm. I performed an internet search for emergency dental services in New Hampshire and got a couple more leads. The first practice I called was on vacation. I then called Dr. Raymond T. Finn in Laconia. Although the office was closed for the day, the office machine provided his home number to call for emergencies. I called his home and spoke directly with Dr. Finn. I apologized for calling his residence and his response was " please do not apologize, I expect to be called at home if there is an emergency". I explained the situation to him and he agreed that the student should be seen. He said" it is a very long drive from Wofeboro to Laconia, but if you are willing to make that trip, I am more than willing to see her". One of my staff took her to the appointment with Dr. Finn and reported back to me upon their return. Both staff and student stated "He was absolutely wonderful!" Thanks to his professional expertise, my student had her beautiful smile back again. Many, many thanks to Dr. Finn for a happy ending to my story!

Gail J. Dietzer, RN Brewster Academy Wolfeboro, NH 03894

Warren Bailey-Testimonial

Dr. Finn has been my dentist for years and has given my family and me the best
care ever.

I’m a grinder and have been all my life. Nothing worked for relief of stress than
grinding away. Through the years I had managed to grind my teeth down to where
I had lost my smile. For me, dentures were not an option.

Being in the public eye, TV, radio and public speaking, it was important I restore
my look for speech, appearance and health.

Dr. Finn worked tirelessly with me and devised a personalized program to bring
back my better than natural look.

I am forever grateful to Dr. Finn and his staff and I highly recommend them for all
of your dental needs.

Thank You Dr. Finn!

Warren Bailey, Laconia, NH

Voted Best Dentist and Best Dental Care Practice for 9 consecutive years, since 2003!

GKM National Independent Marketing Surveyors

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We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the contact form below.


What does your smile say about you? Let us help you radiate confidence with a healthy smile.